"Sudah insyaf lu?," komentar pertama seorang rekan.
"Cieee, yang dapet hidayah," lupa siapa yang ngomong gini.
"Apik non, mudah-mudahan cepet dapet jodoh," senior di Kantor yang bikin aku ber-lhoo..?
"Waaahh, neng lah, pake terus yah, ibu dukung..., bagus koq," yang ini dari ibu di sebelah meja yang notabene istrinya Wabup kota ini.
Siapapun boleh berkomentar, positif pun negatif. Dan kepada apapun yang mereka ucapkan aku hanya bilang "belajar…".
Aahh, a bit late sebenarnya malah. Ini pun masih yang mini.
Thus, I really no need to be proud about it. It’s an obligation. It’s an identity.
Tidak berarti 180° aku berubah.
Tidak berarti aku muslim yang baik sudah.
Tapi yah, aku akan belajar dan selalu…
Sebagaimana kaupun pernah berkata “Yang penting pake dulu, biar dia yang mencegahmu dari berperilaku yang tidak patut”
So, I’m grateful to...
The one and only Robbi, for giving me this bravery
and to you, although you will not be here (anymore) to watch me... u know, it's my 54th day:)
just the ordinary girl's room:)
- concern's chamber (5)
- man (4)
- me (19)
- petty's part (17)
- romance's room (6)
- screen section (7)
- work files (3)
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13 komentar:
Barakallah :)
I have a feeling that was you that I saw a few days ago, but I wasn't sure coz the one I saw was wearing her veil. Anyho, congrats coz it's gonna be legend...wait for it.....
@hfa: alhamdulillah, gak malu-maluin pian lagi kan bang?:p
@whoeverur: I'll forgive u for unrecognizing me but umm... Ted Mosby? How is he?:.(
....dary...it's gonna be legendary :)
Hmm about Ted Mosby, he's finally have a closure with Robin as Robin moved out from the apartment at the end of season 7. It is rumoured that season 8 will be the last season of the series. Season 7 can be said as the saddest season of the series :'(
: as I told u before, Ted will always be Robin's blablabla.. No matter what I wish they'll be together at the end.. :/
Ps: sebelum lupa lagi, congratulation for ur new promotion..proud of u:)
Well actually I;m not promoted yet :) It was jas a job transfer yesterday :) But, thanks for your support and compliment :)
and how about you? Do you still work at SKB or you already move to Disdik? if it's alright to ask though :")
@whoeverur: selamat hari otdaaaa, don't forget to wear korpri outfit yach. tell them to start the ceremony without me, ok? I'm out of town...;;)
Ps: bendahara disdik but still in lovely skb:)
pake diitung jalan brapa harinya? kok jd inget muvie: orang ngitung hari kalo lg di penjara. xD
Best of luck for you :)
@hariharitiaphari: akhirnya, bisa komen kan yah? alhamdulillah...:p
@anonim: so u...:)
ini ne... lo sering kabur pas pak B.INGGRS...
hehehe.. da pa2 lah...
blog'a bagus mba.. ntar bagi2 ilmu yahc... u'r fans... hahahaha... iki ogot mba...
@ogot: nanti kalo dah jadi master komputer, giliran kamu yah yang ngajarin saya:D
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